Monday 27 May 2013

Atomic Force Microscopy Presentation Slides

With the use of scanning probe microsopy techniques playing a fundamental role within my research, I've prepared a range of different presentations on the subject matter over the years. These presentations may prove useful to anyone with an interest in SPM techniques, and so I intend to upload some of these to this blog. Feel free to have a look through these presentations and make use of any of the slides and schemes included (which have been prepared by myself).

The first of these presentations uploaded here provides a basic outline to the concepts behind atomic force microscopy (contact mode anf tapping mode), and the principles behind the the operation of an atomic force microscope.

In due course, in will add further presentations and slides relating to other SPM techniques such as 'friction force microscopy', 'electrostatic force microscopy', and 'conductive AFM', amongst others.

If anyone would like to recieve an electronic copy of this presentation in a different format (pdf, powerpoint, etc) please just contact my via my twitter account (@drscottwatson), or email me at


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